Giles’s tribute to legendary news editor 


THE RIGHT TYPE: Northern News Editor Bob Blake at work in the Second World War

JOHN KNILL reports

Watching the Drones memories of the Crusader Years, I spotted cartoonist Carl Giles and recalled what a nice and thoughtful guy he was. 

In the early 1980s Bob Blake, the legendary Daily Express Northern News Editor, was due for retirement and we planned all sorts of things to celebrate the rather sad but great day. That included the publishing of a booklet entitled The Best of Blake, which contained many of his acid and witty remarks to staff members for what he considered as non-professional conduct!

Bob was a Desert Rat during WW2 and served with Montgomery's Tank Corp, later joining the Army Press Section. Knowing of the great and famous cartoons Giles created during the conflict, with tongue in cheek, I called him and asked if he would kindly produce a fitting tribute to an old soldier. 

Giles's reply, which surprised me was, "Okay but, I can't draw people, leave it with me"

The wonderful result follows…..



NEWS HOTLINE: The many faces of Bob Blake at work on the Northern Daily Express

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